
frequently asked questions

On the subject of the Womb Massage Therapy course.

Upon successful completion of the course, graduates will be required to perform 12 massages (a series of 3 massages with 4 clients, or 4 massages with 3 clients) supported by references and case studies in fulfillment of accreditation requirements. Upon completion of the course and completion of the internship, students may begin practicing Womb Massage (clients who receive sessions as part of the student's accreditation requirements should not attend sessions completely free of charge, although discounts may be offered if the student so prefers).


Additional courses to advance the Womb Massage Therapy accreditation include a diploma in strictly trauma-focused practice and shadow therapy, and Yoni Reclamation Therapy training.

To any woman who feels the call to work with women and reclaim their femininity and transform their lives to be more conscious and happy.

Students do not need to have prior qualifications in this field, as Womb Massage Therapy is a fully accredited course, consisting of anatomy and physiology, health and safety, and the techniques needed to fully perform a massage.

Womb Massage Therapy is accredited by Think Tree Professional Body, along with full insurance.

Upon successful completion of the 4-day course and passing the practical exam, as well as performing 12 massages (a series of 3 massages with 4 clients, or 4 massages with 3 clients) confirmed by case studies after the course, a Diploma of Womb Massage Therapist will be issued authorizing the practice, backed by accreditation and insurance.

While conventional massage techniques usually key parts of the body for women's health, and traditional therapy focuses on superficial symptoms, Womb Massage is preceded by emotion-focused shadow work. It is an intensive practice of diving into the deepest parts of the human mind: the most ashamed, feared and blamed parts of our psyche.

Over the course of 4 days, you will learn the ins and outs of working with the female womb, with plenty of time to practice and experience this unique therapy that focuses on all areas where we as women feel tension, hormonal imbalance, or the stigma of past experiences. During the course, we will be able to allow ourselves to dive deeply into the senses and spaces of our womb, and begin to recognize and heal our own womb wounds in a safe space created by an experienced expert. This is an essential part of the process, so that we can support other women on their healing journey.

The Womb Massage course was created in the spirit of connecting women both to themselves and to each other. You will be greeted with a meditation focused on the womb space, sit in a circle and share in sisterhood. You will participate in beautiful symbolic ceremonies and rituals to connect with your feminine energy.

This unique way of working with women has gained popularity around the world, and now the Lona Massage Therapy Course has come to Poland to help Polish women reconnect with the center of their creativity.

Womb Massage Therapy is accredited by the UK Academy of Holistic Massage, ThinkTree International, the Federation of Holistic Therapists, approved by CThA (Complimentary Therapists Association) and MMA (was AAMT in Australia).

frequently asked questions

On the subject of Womb Massage Therapy.

Womb Massage Therapy is external work on the body.

Aia created the internationally accredited Yoni Reclamation Therapy™ which includes inner work (Yoni Mapping, Yoni Reflexology), which is Level IV of the development path.

Womb massage can be performed on both women and men - after all, we all came out of the womb. Men also experience powerful results, emotionally, physically and energetically. 

Womb massage not Is a tantric massage.


- Having an insert to prevent pregnancy, due to the possibility of displacement in case of deep womb work

- Early months of pregnancy, given that Womb Massage Therapy is powerful for both mom and baby in the second and third trimesters (and absolute magic during labor!).

- Actively inflamed sexually transmitted disease, active fever in the body

- Womb massage may be uncomfortable just before or en route to menstruation, while this remains a woman's personal choice

- Past surgeries: six weeks after recent minor surgery or childbirth and six months after major surgery

-For women wishing to become pregnant, the massage should take place before ovulation.


Yes, absolutely! This work is especially effective after menopause, and especially for women who are mourning the loss of their period, supporting them in coming to terms with this important life transition. This is work for post-menopausal women who want to continue to rebuild and reclaim their femininity. This therapy is beneficial physically, emotionally and energetically to restore a woman's connection to the womb space and ignite her inner creative fire and sense of purpose and motivation in life.

If your client, who is battling cancer, feels called to use this therapy, and you feel comfortable offering it, it is entirely up to your informed consent and choice. Most alternative therapists believe that natural therapies are extremely effective and powerful, giving the body the rest, relaxation and regeneration needed for spontaneous healing processes in the body. Keep in mind, however, that insurance will not provide liability coverage for womb therapy used on a client with cancer. You can ask your client to sign a letter waiving liability.

frequently asked questions

On the subject of 1:1 sessions

The waiting list for the experience of a 1:1 session with Aia at this point exceeds more than a year, so we are currently not accepting new subscriptions.

Join us for a series of 1:1 sessions with Aia in the Riviera Maya, Mexico, where she lives daily. To sign up for sessions, visit www.aiajune.com. 

The first therapy session with Aia lasts 8-10 hours, consisting of shadow therapy, body/membrane/yoni massage, ending with a discussion of the whole.

For difficult, complicated cases, Aia is unlikely to recommend doing one session - the series of sessions she does with clients who come to Aia for healing in Mexico is 3, 4, or 5 sessions, with the second and subsequent sessions lasting about 5-6 hours.

The duration of the womb massage alone with therapists trained by Aia in the Level I course is a minimum of 1.5 hours.

frequently asked questions

On the subject of Shadow Work

Our offerings include the Transition Program: The Alchemy of Emotion and Shadow, which is Stage I of Shadow Work, and the Accredited Transition Course: Illuminating the Shadows of Others- Stage II of Working with Shadow. 

Stage I is dedicated to discovering and healing one's own shadows, while Stage II focuses on equipping participants to work with the other person's shadow (clients, partners, loved ones).

The shadow work programs and courses are designed so that people without any experience in shadow work can enter them and gain the knowledge and skills needed to navigate shadows, both their own and others'.

The Stages of Shadow Work programs and courses can be taken in any order - they are complementary programs.

This shadow work course is accredited, and as such, successful completion will entail passing an exam at the end of the course, as well as practice: conducting 12 sessions with clients (a series of 3 sessions with 4 clients, or 4 sessions with 3 clients). 

The course will be held from Friday to Sunday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

During the course, refreshments, drinks and a vegetarian lunch will be provided for participants. 

While the sessions are recorded and then made available for replay in their own time to all course participants, it would be ideal if everyone was present at each session, as we build a strong sense of safety and community, a connection as we embark on this path together.

The program will be held weekly from 19:30-22:00.

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