
Won's massage

Because your emotions deserve to be healed just as much, As much as your body deserves it.

My Dear...

It's time to get your life back.
It's time to regain your lightness, energy and excitement!
Now is the time to give yourself permission to start processing your pain and integrating your shadows so that you are ready to finally let them go. 

You've been jumping around everyone else, but now it's time for your rest.

▪️Zasługujesz for peace.
▪️Zasługujesz for healing.
▪️Zasługujesz for unconditional acceptance.
▪️Zasługujesz to be sustained and you have the right to fall apart, knowing that you will put yourself back together again, more beautifully than ever before.

Our mental health, our level of stress on a daily basis, and especially our sense of being seen, heard, loved, wanted, understood and safe in life (in family, in relationships, at work) directly affects our physical health. 

Womb Massage Therapy is a psychosomatic therapy.

Therapy is as much about releasing emotions as it is about releasing and creating space in the body. Stress makes us tense up. The physiological effects of this work are deeply correlated with its effect on releasing pain, sadness and trauma (from early life and generational) in our bodies - and especially in the womb space in a woman.

Our body collects all unprocessed emotions and traumas throughout our lives. Every time we experience a moment of danger (real or perceived), our body floods with stress hormones: cortisol and adrenaline. We are prepared to fight or flee. If we don't unload this sudden influx of activating hormones (just as animals "shake off" stress when they are safe), our body stores this residual activation. This stress is stored in our abdomen, in our pelvis, in our diaphragm, in our tailbone, in our sacrum; all parts of the body that conventional massage rather skips. These are the parts of the body where diseases begin.

When we are stressed, we shrink.

When we shrink, we become tight. When we are tense, we block healthy blood flow. When there is no blood flow, there is no delivery of oxygen or nutrients. Under hypoxic conditions, disease occurs.

It used to be that the stressors we encountered in life were saber-toothed tigers and mammoths. Today it's our mother-in-law, our relationship, our boss, or a stressful deadline at work.

The stress response floods our body, and the body has no way to self-discharge them.

Not only the physical symptoms of unprocessed stress and emotions, but also the mental burden often becomes too much to bear. We are stressed, burned out, emotionally unstable, sad, angry, depressed. We often struggle with addictions, with a lack of excitement or pleasure in our lives. Our relationships feel flat and empty. We are disconnected from ourselves, from our bodies, from our loved ones.

But such a feeling is not a sentence! 

Our bodies and minds have a tremendous ability to heal.

- and this can often happen in just a few highly transformative sessions of this therapy.

While typical body therapy focuses on superficial symptoms, Womb Massage Therapy is preceded by emotion-oriented shadow work. It is an intensive practice of diving into the deepest parts of the human mind: the most ashamed, feared and blamed parts of our psyche.

Intention and treating our bodies as a portal that allows us to gain insight into unprocessed emotions and trauma supports healing at a deep level, both physically and emotionally.

This precision body work is rooted not only in conventional massage therapy, but also in traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese Chi Nei Tsang organ massage, ancient Mayan massage, and the energetic principles of Tantric massage and Ayurveda.

The therapy is designed to increase blood flow and deliver oxygen and nutrients to the sacrum and caudal-lumbar bones, the entire abdominal area, the diaphragm, the pubic space and the inner thigh, thereby releasing traumas within them-both those related to early life experiences and those inherited through epigenetics.

By focusing on these forgotten but crucial areas of the body for health (and especially women's health), this therapy enables a return to balanced emotional well-being and optimal physical functioning of body systems.

The same nerve connections pass through our abdominal cavity, connecting the organs, muscles and connective tissue of the reproductive and digestive systems along with the muscles of the lower back. If one organ or muscle is misaligned, blocked or damaged, the functioning of all others will be disrupted, which in turn can lead to chaos throughout the body.

By working on our body's trauma map, storing memories and emotions related to a lifetime of accumulated stress, grief and sadness, Womb Massage Therapy was created with the intention of healing on both mental and physical levels.

The practice:

Womb Massage Therapy is a ceremony that allows you to reconnect deeply with your body, mind and emotions. It's not just a massage, it's a ritual. It's not just therapy, it's release. The practice has gained its popularity, freeing women around the world from trauma and difficult emotions. Now you too can fulfill this amazing role.

Womb Massage Therapy

Become a Womb Massage Therapist!

Sign up now and become a Therapist of a practice recognized around the world. 

Won massage therapy

Renewal. Salvation. Return to the Self.

Heal sexuality

Women around the world are healing their sexuality, infertility and depression, and freeing themselves from emotional and physical pain through the powerful techniques of the internationally accredited Womb Massage.

Discover the shadows of emotions

While typical therapy focuses on superficial "problems," and conventional massage tends to ignore key parts of the body that are crucial to emotional health, Womb Massage Therapy as a practice that focuses on the forgotten parts of the body is combined with working with the shadow-the most silenced part of our psyche.

Release trauma from the body

Womb Massage Therapy is a psychosomatic therapy based on releasing trauma, pain and sadness from the body. Although this therapy was designed for womb bearers, it is also incredibly effective for men. After all, men also came out of the womb.

Trauma release map

By working on our body's trauma map, storing memories and emotions related to a lifetime of accumulated stress, grief and sadness, Womb Massage Therapy was created with the intention of releasing on both mental and physical levels, thus constituting a ceremony to return to oneself.

Why the womb?

The importance of the womb for most women is reduced to the moment of pregnancy, or experiencing gynecological problems....

...What if I told you that for thousands of years this area of the female body has played a much more significant role? 

The center of women's power and creation.

How many of us don't even know we have womb space?

Of course, probably every woman is aware of the uterus as an organ she has in her body. Many of us are mothers who have given birth to children from the aforementioned womb space. Our perceptions do not preclude us from overlooking the presence of this part of our body... but how many of us have any idea of the power this part of us has and why it matters? 

The womb space is two fingers above the pubic bone and about 3 fingers down from the navel. Your bladder is in front of it, and your anus and sacrum are behind it.

The average uterus measures 7x4x2.5 cm, with a non-menstrual volume of 30-60 ml, doubling its mass to 60-120 ml during menstruation. 



The position of the uterus in the pelvis is referred to as inverted - leaning forward or backward. The normal position for the uterus is a slight forward tilt. If brown/dirty blood occurs during the menstrual cycle, this is due to the accumulation of old blood in the bent uterine space. The uterus can bend and invert.



Painful periods NO are normal! Painful relations NO are normal!

These are signals from our womb.

The number one contributor to pressure, spasm and discomfort in the pelvis?

Stress. Yes. That's what it is.

This wave of profoundly unpleasant physical symptoms and the much more serious reproductive system complications and problems that have been initiated are the result of decades of oppression and tension caused by our body's constant fight or flight response.

(Spoiler: this is why Womb Massage works! It creates space and relieves structural tension and spasm in the pelvic muscles and ligaments, allowing natural movement, repositioning and increased blood flow - meaning oxygen and nutrients - to the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes).

Womb-mind-body connection

Wondering what women react to with pelvic stress?

Unfortunately, the question should be: "what do women NOT respond to with pelvic stress?".

Memory traces in the limbic system from the prenatal and early years of a girl's life and her role in this world versus that of a boy. Early transmission of information from the family about what girls are "allowed" to wear or "allowed" to do. When a little girl is forced to wear a frilly dress to a school picture day, she experiences stress. When a little girl is told she can't play with her brother's blocks because they are "toys for boys," she experiences stress. When, as a teenager, she is bullied for the appearance of her body, she experiences stress. When, as an adult, she is deprived of her sense of dignity during obstetric or gynecological visits, when she experiences pressure from society, when she goes through a traumatic birth, she experiences stress. There are as many examples as there are life stories. 

When a woman's emotional body perceives a threat, her brain responds with a cascade of stress hormones (cortisol and adrenaline) to prepare the physical body for a fight or flight response. The physical discharge of hormones or the fight or flight response does not normally take place, and the trauma-induced chemistry is absorbed in the body: in the highly innervated sacrum, tailbone, buttocks, inner thighs, diaphragm, solar plexus, abdomen and womb space.

Our pelvis protects our femininity both physically and energetically throughout our lives. We need to protect ourselves from abusers, bullies, aggressors. We clash with partners we shouldn't sleep with - those we regret refusing. We carry the stigma of unplanned penetration, unplanned ejaculation, unplanned pregnancy. Women, being the biological recipients of sex, have lived through millennia of the trauma of forced rapprochement, forced pregnancy, forced relationships, forced servitude.

A woman's womb is like a sponge storing all our mental pains related to a disturbed sense of femininity, unspoken fears, feelings of betrayal and trauma accumulated throughout our lives.

But let's go back to the world before patriarchy-to the time of ancient medicine and matriarchal cultures: the evolution of Egyptian medicine from prehistoric, then Chinese, Babylonian and Indian medicine.
The medicine of the time honored energy, well-being, proper nutrition, movement and natural rhythms of connection to the earth.

Energetically, the uterus is connected to our second (sacral) chakra. It is the most powerful energy center of a woman, the seat of our creativity, creation, pleasure, passion, self-esteem.

When patriarchy had to take the reigns from matriarchal life, the womb space became a taboo subject. Women's sexuality began to be silenced and shamed. Women were systematically, meticulously disconnected from their womb space over time. Strong women and strong female archetypes were written out of children's stories. History was rewritten to honor men, and women were rewritten as their aloof, soft, gentle and obedient "slaves" - as mere producers of their children and food.

So why the womb?

Because it is time to reclaim our true selves from the shadows we have been pushed into.

It's time to reclaim the connection to our womb space-an energetic creative center of creative life force and feminine energy in the body from which all our magical potential can be born; whether it's birthing children, realizing projects, ideas and everything we want to create in the world. 

The time has come to ruthlessly take control of our pleasure and our feminine rights to emotion, nature, psychic energy, intuition and community.

Recovered women cannot be controlled. They cannot be tricked by telling them they are "too fat," "too wrinkled" or "too pale."

Recovered women cannot be abused because they know their worth and will not settle for anything less than the magic and power they know they deserve.
Recovered women are connected - to the universe, to the soul, to Mother Earth, to each other, to themselves.

When a woman reclaims the space of her womb, first physically and then energetically - she becomes the center of her power and becomes initially unmoved by negative outside influences.

As she reclaims the space in her womb, she sheds light on the shadows of generations of abuse, trauma and grief she carries from her mother's lineage. She heals herself, the women before her and all the women yet to come into this world.

When she reclaims her womb, she reclaims her pleasure, her sexuality, her pursuit of what makes her feel stimulated, invigorated and in control of her life. 

Connection to the womb space and regular contact with it is the way to improve the quality of your life.

If we don't have a connection to our womb, we can experience:

By working with the womb:

Małgorzata, Dziwnówek

Womb Massage Therapy is a long-awaited feeling of joy in the heart It is the crossing of the longest road of your life - from G£ O W Y to S E R C A. It is a catharsis on the level of body, mind and soul. It's getting in touch with yourself. It's consciously noticing and experiencing feelings that have all the colors of the rainbow It's gratitude for emotions too, including those that aren't easy. You can finally love the person who is most important to you - S I E B I E, through this you will finally love others. It is an outpouring of warmth across the pelvis and abdomen. The voice of the center of femininity can finally make itself known.

Aleksandra, Krakow

The lona massage therapy has dramatically changed my view of the other person and myself. It is a wonderful treatment that changes clients' view of themselves and their relationships with others. Womb massage therapy has also changed my approach to reflexology and explains a lot during reflexology therapy. Womb massage therapy is a wonderful way to move into your inner self and look for yourself and your shadows and emotions. It's safe, enjoyable, magical and effective. After a series of treatments, your outlook changes - if you are ready for it.

Magda, Miedziana Góra

"Return to Lona, Return to Self. Four days of intense transformation on the journey to Self with Return to Womb - a time of acceptance, understanding, unconditional sisterly love, support, trust, respect, care. I am grateful to Aia June for creating a space and therapy where We-Women can be heard, cared for and supported without judgment.

Jolanta, Krakow

"Therapy Massage Back to the Womb". It's a powerful leap of faith, surrendering to the wave of "He wants more." "Deserves more". The massage techniques used will guide through the physicality and connect the body with the mind. It is becoming increasingly clear that the body does not work separately from the mind. Awaken the Goddess within"

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Womb Massage Therapy


Womb Massage Therapy

Womb Massage Therapy

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about the powerful actions of Womb Massage Therapy 

Womb Massage Therapy is a therapy focused on returning to your body, your pleasure, your center of creativity and vitality in life! This therapy incorporates elements of neuroscience, inherited and early life trauma theory, body work from Chinese medicine, acupressure, holistic massage, Chi Nei Tsang Chinese organ massage, craniosacral therapy, breath work, reflexology, energy work, rebozo wrapping and other elements of Mayan medicine.

Body work is done on the spine, at the sacrum-tailbone, the buttocks, the inner part of the thighs, as well as the entire abdomen, the diaphragm, and over the uterus - between the pelvic bones (this work is just as energetically powerful and physically transformative if your uterus has been removed).

By releasing tension from accumulated stress and emotions, massage brings the internal abdominal organs into proper position for optimal function and higher well-being (over 80% of our body's serotonin production takes place in the gut). The technique involves relieving blockages and blockages to improve the flow of energy and fluids in the circulatory, lymphatic and nervous systems, so as to prevent the progression of disease symptoms.

Rebozo. The name comes from a Spanish verb that means "to surround oneself." The indigenous Mexican names describing this long, flat shawl translate to "that which touches women" and "material of a thousand colors." Traditional rebozos are handwoven from cotton and often have patterns from traditional dyeing methods. Their tassels are braided with fingers to create beautiful, intricate patterns.

It's a powerful piece of clothing, considered central to a Mexican woman's identity, playing an integral role in the birth and raising of children. The rebozo is used in countless ways to help and support the laboring woman during labor contractions - from shaking her hips to using it in the woman's abdominal space. Traditionally, the woman in labor stands up straight during the baby's descent, and two, supportive women in labor will stand in front of and behind her with the rebozo held between, creating a cradle under the laboring mother's pelvis. Child is not touched by any human hands except those of the mother. It is born in its rebozo and is immediately wrapped in it. This rebozo becomes his for life, being carried in it, wrapped in it, and even used as a sleeping hammock for the newborn.

Rebozo is also used ceremonially in Mayan massage for physical tension relief, but also symbolic reintegration, such as the Mayan ceremony called "Closing the Bones," which all mothers undergo to close their pelvises forty days after giving birth.

The three rebozo fabrics play an integral and powerful role in Womb Massage Therapy and every practitioner must include them in their session. For ethical integrity, it is imperative that all rebozo scarves used for this therapy are traditional Mexican, hand-woven and ethically sourced to support true indigenous Mexican families. All rebozos sold to course participants through the Back to Lona Are imported to Poland directly from Mexico.

Don't, Won's massage is a non-invasive, external massage technique. The training continues with internal Yoni Reclamation Therapy

, available after completing training in Womb Massage and Shadow Therapy. 

Additional courses to develop the Womb Massage Therapy accreditation include a diploma in strictly trauma-focused practice and shadow therapy and Yoni Reclamation Therapy training

Womb massage helps with menstrual pain, relieves symptoms of endometriosis, heavy periods, blood clotting, uterine myomas, blocked fallopian tubes, pelvic adhesions, tilted uterus, PCOS, menopause symptoms and irregular cycles. It can also help with digestive conditions such as constipation, diarrhea, IBS, and bloating. 

Yes, this is because we work on the entire abdominal area. This therapy can help with constipation, diarrhea, IBS and bloating.

This is no ordinary massage - it's a somatic ceremony - a series of beautiful rituals designed to pamper all your senses, your heart and your body. In a one-of-a-kind, deeply transformative journey between you and your Womb Massage Therapist.
In this session, your body becomes your temple of femininity, power, resilience and growth.

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