
Your changing moods

This is no reason to be ashamed

Working with shadows The human psyche is not a pseudo-scientific, hippie approach to mental health and emotional well-being - is actually one of the most advanced approaches to therapy used by the most renowned therapists around the world.

The reason why shadow work represents advanced transformational healing is that it challenges the core of what you may have spent a lifetime believing to be true. These are the deepest-rooted, darkest, survival-helping aspects of your personality, specifically, your ego. These are the darkest parts of your personality that were once created in you to protect you.

But now, they are the heaviest, darkest, ugliest parts of your personality.

They cause you to struggle, hurt and disconnect from the life and love you so deeply deserve. Your shadow is all that you have suppressed, silenced, hidden, cursed, repressed. And what we know most of all in shadow therapy is that everything that has been shamed, concealed or silenced will keep coming back until you allow it to be noticed and integrated.

Our shadows were created in our earliest years of life. They consist of all behaviors to which our parents reacted negatively. Children have a strong innate need to please their parents, so any behavior that provokes the opposite reaction will be locked away in a part of our psyche under the name "shadow." If a child is raised in a home where all emotions are openly accepted and discussed, where all feelings are allowed to emerge and honored, and where communication is open, the child is likely to grow into an adult who feels safe and comfortable being authentic, sensitive and emotionally aware. On the other hand, a child who was raised in a home where obedience played a central role, where negative emotions were excluded and discredited, or where parents were unable to express their own emotions - this child is likely to become an adult who feels insecure in expressing his or her emotions, struggling to define how he or she feels and to establish emotionally deep relationships in relationships.

Our shadows are the source of almost every sorrow or struggle we encounter on our life path.

Unfortunately, largely due to having their own unprocessed shadows, most therapists deal with light. They work with the obvious. If you are struggling with money, they will teach you how to budget. If you're struggling with sex, they'll talk to you about ways to rekindle the flame. And often, it will work. But the typical therapy takes a lot of time... It is not uncommon for clients to spend 2, 3, 5+ years in therapy. Sessions are short. Progress is slow. But it seems for the most part "safe" and non-irritating in a particularly uncomfortable way. 

Shadow therapy is not like that.

Shadow therapy hits the most sensitive places. Either you come in already bleeding, in crisis, desperately ready to change - and shadow therapy makes observations with curiosity to find out the real causes of emotional hemorrhaging - or its goal is to rip the bandages off your wounds, to then sit back with curiosity and observe to find out the root cause. Either way, you're going to bleed... and that's okay - because you'll be safe, held and loved, and you'll see it every step of the way. The only thing you won't be is the same person again.

There's a reason why shadow therapy sessions last 2-3 hours. There's a reason these sessions don't have to take place for 2, 3, 5+ years - often yielding dramatic growth and healing In just a few weeks or months. If you are ready to step into your shadows, I promise you that they are already waiting to be released.

This is an advanced transformation. And the time has come to answer that call.

To be trained in the powerful, transformative Womb Massage Therapy, sign up here.


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