
Hey, a warm welcome to you...

I am a Canadian born to Polish immigrants in Toronto.

I moved from neuroscience to technology, from dissecting brains to studying with Buddhist monks in Nepal.
I have traveled the world, given birth to twins, died and been reborn many times before.

This is my job.

This is my story.

...And it is the privilege of my life to share it with you.

- Aia June

Here's Aia

{ "a-self".}

"The real magic of this life begins when we realize that it is nothing more than a series of deaths and births - when we stop holding on to who we were and who we thought we would become, and instead begin to invite into our reality who we are here and now, and use that to make the greatest possible impact on the world.
Then we begin to feel truly balanced..."


- And that's when Aia was born.

In truth, she was born Marysia, almost decades earlier in Toronto, Canada - refugees who fled communist Poland. They fled the dark reality to ensure a better life for themselves and their future family.
It is true that pain always has a purpose, and our struggles become our success story. 

In 2021, while she was meditating on the beach of Mayan land - which had changed her so much in every way - the combination of letters "AIA" appeared. It took her some time to realize it, but those letters gave her a sense of unique lightness - and she decided to change her name. Moreover, unfortunately, her childhood abuser still lives, works and thrives in Poland. Unprepared to draw his attention to her presence and work in this country, Aia decided to remain recognizable under her chosen name.

Back to our story - Aia, trained in neurology and following the path of conventional medicine, became very disillusioned with modern medical practice along the way. She dreamed of becoming a psychiatrist, but instead turned into an entrepreneur, which ended up turning into more than a decade of building businesses, creating a life of complete freedom - traveling the world and discovering along the way who she really was.

In contrast, it was only in her journey to motherhood that she really discovered the power of stress, survival and transformation.
She was in her thirties... her partner - a man five years younger - was in no hurry to give birth to offspring. They created a beautiful globetrotting lifestyle together, living all over the world in such far-flung places as Thailand, Bali, and Europe.

"But you'll be much happier if you have children!" - others claimed.

"You're getting older, it's time to make some decisions."

"A woman's value in life comes from having children."

- and "you will regret it."

The message of these words was strong and impressive. Meanwhile, there was a lack of inspiring role models around to
emulate for a conscious life without children. Unfortunately, a lifelong diagnosis of polycystic ovarian syndrome (and only 3-4 menstrual cycles occurring annually) prevented natural conception. 

"Everything was fine. We never really wanted to have children," - Aia explains.

A doctor in Canada convinced her to consider egg freezing as a form of protection for her potential motherhood. At the infertility clinic, they made the procedure sound so easy that it was hard not to feel drawn to just "conceiving children." The long-term effects of hormone therapy, egg retrieval, in vitro fertilization and embryo implantation were not discussed.

"It all seemed so simple, and having complete control over the process seemed tempting - it was like taking nature into your own hands and doing whatever you wanted with it."

Unfortunately, had they known the long-lasting effect these fertility therapies would have had on Aia's mind and body, this decision would never have been made.

It was October 2017, when just four days after the embryo transfer, Aia saw two pink lines on the beaches of the Riviera Maya in Mexico.

A few weeks later, two tiny embryos appeared on the screen. She was pregnant with twins.

A complete lack of emotional connection with them.

No conscious connection to pregnancy. 

Mostly just a sterile and scientific "lie down on the bed and spread your legs" approach.
Intensive hormone therapy continued well into the first trimester... Multiple injections, patches, suppositories, and oral medications to further urge her body to stay pregnant-until the embryos were not large enough to
Start the body's natural production of hormones. 

The gestation period, although it looked like a fairy tale from the outside, was a miserable situation in its own right (which, by the way, no one ever shows on Instagram).

Aia began vomiting from the first day of her seventh week and vomited 10-12 times a day until the day of delivery. She experienced raging heartburn, couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, and struggled mightily to feel connected to her children. Because of her violent vomiting, she hardly gained any weight and didn't look like a pregnant woman until the beginning of her third trimester. Aia was unable to grasp the fact that she was about to become a mother - and there was no support available to help her do so. Getting pregnant and having a baby is such an expected, typical, common thing for women that many people often overlook the struggles women face.

The truth is that Aia had been disconnected from her body, especially the womb space, since her teenage years, when she first began menstruating. She did not learn to function based on the phases of the moon or conscious menstruation. Her femininity was not celebrated, and she was not empowered in it.

Instead, she carried the trauma of the sexual violence she experienced as a child. Throughout her life, the womb space has been a burden - she grew up knowing that it was not safe to be a woman in this world. And now these twins have become an extension of the trauma she never fully healed.

Aia had planned to give birth to her children in Poland. She and her partner were already living abroad and traveling permanently. They wanted her parents to know their only grandchildren. They had no idea how uphill their desire to give birth to twins naturally in Poland would prove to be. The result was the darkest nightmare of her life - a traumatic birthing experience that robbed her of her dignity, and the loss of consciousness during labor - bleeding nearly to death. Severe blood loss prevented her from contact with the twins, and a day later, when they were brought into the room, she was so disoriented and under so much medication that she forgot that she had just given birth. Everyone saw the photo and praised how beautiful the new family looked. The truth is that the midwife forcefully placed the twins on Aia's chest to take the photo... and Aia was on the verge of death.

No one at the hospital asked about her emotional state... they dealt with her emergency and forced her to breastfeed (when she couldn't even stand up without fainting). The ordeal was painful, raw and traumatic.

...And this birth story is not even something extremely rare.

Aia suffered from severe postpartum depression exacerbated by the extreme trauma of sleep deprivation. She was pumping more than 2 liters of milk a day, had become thin as a skeleton, was on the verge of psychosis, and all that interested others around her was how she was
beautiful were the twins. She took on a brave mask to the world, but inside she was dying.

This was the darkest chapter of her life.

And her story is not uncommon.

When the twins were 6 months old, Aia knew she wanted to make a difference. She trained as a labor doula and hypnobirthing instructor. She attended births with migrant women in hospitals in southern Poland, explaining, educating and empowering them. What she saw in Polish delivery rooms horrified her: abuse, disrespect, violence, neglect. How can women be expected to stand up in their own power and heal their deepest, darkest wounds when this is how they are treated by the medical system in which they give birth?

Despite the nightmares she has witnessed, Aia has transformed the birthing experiences of dozens of mothers while fighting the powerful grip of her own trauma.

And it was during the national isolation associated with the pandemic that Aia was finally forced to face her own demons. She underwent the therapies she desperately needed - both physical and emotional. She made real the transformations that surrounded her,
faced chapters of childhood abuse she experienced, which she swore she had already overcome. She trained in powerful womb massage therapy in the UK and combined these physical effects with the transformative potential of shadow work and therapy rooted in neuroscience.

Currently, Aia's day job is living on the Riviera Maya in Mexico, practicing and teaching womb and yoni healing, specializing in releasing trauma (both early life and generational). She combines the science of bodywork and psychological therapy with the magic of our body's innate ability to heal itself (trails were already blazed in Poland by her mother as founder of the world-renowned Polish Institute of Reflexology).

The amazing results Aia sees in her clients appear even before they leave their first session.

She usually doesn't need to work with clients more than three to five times for nothing to be the same again. And when she was trained in womb massage, Aia needed just three months of self-therapy to restore regularity to her menstrual cycle. Since she was 15 years old, Aia's cycle had been irregular, unpredictable and appeared only 3-4 times a year. Within three months of working on her own pubic space, Aia began menstruating regularly. Another three months later, her cycle aligned perfectly with the phases of the moon: bleeding during the new moon, ovulating when the moon is full - exactly as nature intended.

Today, Aia teaches these powerful therapies in Poland and abroad to women of many nationalities and conducts intensive healing for clients flying in from all over the world.

This therapy is powerful. This therapy has tremendous power to change lives - both the clients and the therapists who use it. 

And Aia is living proof of this.


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