
Yoni Reclamation Therapy™ (YRT™)

For therapists, iv level of development path

Yoni Reclamation Therapy™ Course

yo-ni /ˈyōnē/.

Rooted in Hinduism, yoni is a Sanskrit term meaning "Dwelling," "Spring" or "Womb." Better known as a "vagina" or "vulva" in sterile, scientific terms, the yoni was revered as a divine representation of the Goddess, Shakti - and the source of all female generative power.

Womb. Source. "Female Generation Authority.

Women who carry unhealed wombs and yoni wounds often feel insecure, unsafe, unbalanced, lacking pleasure or creative drive in their lives. Wounds usually have their roots in early life traumas and generational traumas, and both need to be carefully examined to understand cyclical patterns and interrupt repeated life patterns, due to the fact that they manifest in life, love and manifestation.

The internal yoni massage is combined with the preceding external womb massage to create a powerful, immersive experience of full-body healing.

This is rooted in the physical release of stored trauma along the outer folds of the yoni and inner vaginal walls. Therapeutic pressure on these "hot spots" often evokes stored memories and sensations that have caused mistrust, insecurity and even physical discomfort. Through conscious, intentional and consent-focused reprogramming of stored body memories, women experience transformative neural and limbic reprogramming of past traumas, family wounds and trapped pain, guilt and shame to experience a more powerful connection to self, pleasure, intimate relationships and life.

Read more about how Yoni Reclamation Therapy™ works:


Frequently Asked Questions

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After successfully completing the 4-day course and passing the practical exam, as well as performing 12 massages (a series of 3 massages with 4 clients, or 4 massages with 3 clients) confirmed by case studies upon completion of the course, a Diploma of Lona Massage Therapist will be issued.

To any woman who feels the call to work with women and reclaim their femininity and transform their lives to be more conscious and happy.

Students do not need to have prior qualifications in this field, as Womb Massage Therapy is a fully accredited course, consisting of anatomy and physiology, health and safety, and the techniques needed to fully perform a massage.

Won's Massage Therapy is accredited by Think Tree Professional Body, along with full

Upon successful completion of the course, graduates will be required to perform 12 massages (a series of 3 massages with 4 clients, or 4 massages with 3 clients) supported by references and case studies in fulfillment of accreditation requirements. After completing the course and doing the internship, students can start practicing Womb Massage (clients who receive sessions as part of the student's accreditation requirements should not attend sessions completely free of charge, although discounts may be offered if the student so prefers).

Additional courses to develop the Womb Massage Therapy accreditation include a diploma in closely focused trauma and shadow therapy practice and therapy training

For obvious reasons, womb/fertility massage Is limited to working with women. However, if the therapist uses this massage in the context of trauma release massage, it absolutely can be offered to men and shows powerful results!

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Retreat Delight and Yoni Reclamation Therapy™ Course in Tulum, Mexico coming September 2024!

A woman connected to her Yoni feels magnetic, calm, creative, powerful, intuitive, erotically awakened, grounded and balanced.

Are you ready, Beloved, to transform your life forever? If so, join us in Mexico for this one-of-a-kind experience - the Yoni Reclamation Therapy™ course combined with Retreat Delight!
Among others:
🏝 Jungle accommodation right on the Caribbean sea with access to a private beach
🥑 Lovingly composed vegetarian menu
☕ Cocoa Ceremony
🪘 Healing immersion in sound
🔥 Temazcal - experience an ancient Mayan sweat lodge
🧜‍♀️ Private swimming in the cenote lagoon
🌊 Private drum ceremony on the beach

Are you ready to start claiming the right to your delight?

Are you ready to harness the incredible power within you and embark on an unforgettable adventure of a lifetime?

🗺️ Tulum, Mexico
📅 September 15-21, 2024
💫 YRT™ and Retreat course costs:
▪️Participation in Retreat:
・$1685 USD [Budget option: 2-person conical tent with single beds].
・$2385 USD [Deluxe Option: Private conical tent with Queen bed / 2-person Safari tent with Queen beds].
▪️Participation in Retreat + Accredited YRT™ Course: $$3585.

As part of the retreat, we will be together:

In YRT ™ training, you'll experience all of the above and receive intensive training in the desired accredited therapy!


Retreat Delight and Yoni Reclamation Therapy™ Course

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